Project Management 2

9 ways Retailwatch shapes smarter business strategies

The end of uncertainty – unlock customer, network and market insights


You’re planning a new location, but will it be successful? You need more customers, but who should be the focus of your new marketing push? You know your performance, but what’s the market doing? These are just some of the enduring questions you face as a business owner – and they’re exactly what Retailwatch is designed to answer.

Created by Datamine and our partners in banking and finance, Retailwatch is a one-of-its-kind look at consumer behaviour, to give businesses the insights they need to make better decisions.

Custom algorithms and weightings process New Zealand’s most comprehensive consumer spending data set. Our data sources cover 80% of all electronic transactions from both merchant and consumer perspectives. This means all insights are derived from data that’s been cross-checked and controlled for quality – something no other data sets can do. Our custom algorithms and processes have been refined over more than two decades, which means robust controls for bias that exists in the data sets and a more accurate reflection of what’s happening in your market. This delivers a new lens on your market, network and customers, with privacy, anonymity and confidentiality built into every part of the system.

Not just for retail, the data set has been successfully used to understand customers spending in tourism, the public sector, FMCG, telco, insurance, entertainment, not-for-profit, utilities and real estate.

Here’s how it could help transform your decision-making.




Use Retailwatch data to get a bird’s eye view of your market, trends and customers.


Retailwatch Dashboard

Retailwatch Dashboard gives you NZ’s most reliable monthly data spend. You’ll see a high-level view of industry trends and customer spend across multiple categories, in-store and online.

Sign up to get the Retailwatch Dashboard every month, free.

Retailwatch Report


Retail Tracking

With your custom-built Retail Tracking, you get a granular look at the external metrics that most affect your business performance. The daily data can be broken out into retail niches or bespoke groups to give a timely picture of the market and where you stand.



How do you measure against your key competitor groups? Market share benchmarking gives you a clearer understanding of your position in the overall market and a more comprehensive view of how you’re tracking against market shifts.




Retailwatch network solutions can help you better understand the performance of each store or location in your network.


Site assessment and network optimisation

Whether opening, refurbishing, or closing a location, you need to get it right. Making changes to your network can burn through time, capital and customer goodwill. Retailwatch removes the guesswork, answering questions like how much a new store might cannibalise your other sites, where your customers come from, and how much revenue you’ll lose to competitors after closing a site. You can set the scope of the solution to suit your business goals, from looking at just one site to optimising your entire network.


Catchment analysis

When you really know who you’re serving in each catchment, you can make smarter decisions about how best to serve them, the prices they’ll pay, what they want, how far they’ll travel and more. Catchment analysis from Retailwatch defines your catchments and provides customer profiles for each area.




Using consumer spending data, Retailwatch can help you understand your customers’ priorities, spending habits and behaviours. This allows you to tailor promotions and strategies to maximise ROI.



Dig into your customer base’s unique habits and preferences. Retailwatch’s customer profiling informs marketing, planning, logistics and customer service strategies. It’s most powerful when used alongside churn modelling and customer segmentation.



Using customer behaviour data, Retailwatch groups consumers into manageable segments or categories. This is the foundation of invaluable tools for your marketing teams – it expands on customer profiling to offer descriptive insights into your key customer groups.


Where and how do people spend in your market? And how much goes to you? These are simple questions, but the answers can help inform a range of strategies. They can indicate customer satisfaction and loyalty, your competitiveness, and what sales growth you can expect from marketing to existing or new customers.


Are your customers loyal, or do they shop around? Cross-shopping solutions measure how many customers are generally loyal to a brand and the proportion who’ll pick and choose between competing brands. In a market crowded with competitors and loyalty, this information is essential for building a strong and resilient brand.



Magnifying GlassGUESSWORK, GONE

With clever data and analytics at its core, Retailwatch’s solutions deliver to your unique goals.

Whether you want to optimise your marketing, customer service or site network, Retailwatch removes the risk and guesswork. Book a free consultation to find the best solution or a customised combination for you - get in touch with Datamine today.





Download a sample market share report for free.

Sample Market Share Dashboard  - Generic Image

Datamine market share report generator


To get started on your Retailwatch journey, fill out the form below to request a free sample report on your market share.