The datamine guide to Customer Insights

In the Datamine Guide to Customer Insights, we map out the key elements of a customer insight framework, along with tools and techniques used to develop those insights.

This guide introduces what is meant by customer insight and lays out the building blocks for creating it. The skills required to create  an effective insights team and some of the commonly used techniques for uncovering insight are introduced, along with suggestions and tips if using them.

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  1. What is customer insight?
    • It’s more than just interesting
    • Analysis and insight aren’t the same thing
    • The skills you’ll need
  2. Developing your insight framework
  3. Tools and techniques for creating insight
    • Technical
    • Creating a single customer view
  4. Analysis Projects for insight
    • Customer knowledge discovery (data-mining)
    • Customer segmentation analysis
    • Customer journey mapping
    • Customer churn analysis
  5. Summary