Retailwatch Dashboard is New Zealand's most reliable monthly retail spend analysis, It gives a monthly high-level view of retail trends showing customer spend across categories, online and in-store.
Retailers use it to understand high level consumer spending trends to inform business strategy.
It's a free service - subscribe to receive monthly updates.
Please note that the figures within the Retailwatch Dashboard are GST exclusive.
Copyright: Datamine Ltd 2024
Retailwatch is a joint initiative between Datamine and a Banking and Financial partner. This partner provides Datamine with anonymised and aggregated retail spend data; we apply algorithms and national / regional weightings in order to create the report. Retailer categories are taken from the Merchant Category Codes allocated by MasterCard and VISA. Monthly and Quarterly periods of 28 days and 91 days are used to ensure the same number of weekdays/weekends are included for comparisons.
Please note that the figures within the Retailwatch Dashboard are GST exclusive.
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